
Skywatch Friday-Season 4 Episode 35

The view of part of Scooby's pasture. While we got snow where I stay today, none of it stuck, the white stuff laying on the ground is a bunch of Scooby's hair.

Please go visit the other great Skywatch participants at Skywatch Friday There are wonderful photos from all around the world!
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR


The Write Girl said...

That's a beautiful photo of a pasture. You must see some amazing skies and sunsets there.

Bill S. said...

Boy, he lost a lot of hair. I sure wish I had some green grass, but it is coming. Have a great weekend and keep the snow away.

Leah Fry said...

I have white patches like that on the grass as well.

mommanator said...

beautiful pic & sky

Powell River Books said...

Is that a horse replacement device I see behind the fence? Scary! - Margy


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