
Freedom speaks Saturday

There is a new resident at the ranch, a little tuxedo kitty. He has decided that the pigeon box is a great perch to watch the goings on from. The little guy climbs up the ladder and keeps an eye on things.

Little kitty coming down from the pigeon box. He is a smart little guy.
I want to update you on my Freedom's Lady, she is doing well under my guidance. She is letting the DOR, the Horse Guardian, and one of their friends pet her. She is standing for swinging ropes and waving halters. Now I just need to convince her to wear her halter and lead so she can join me for dinner.
Life is so good! Oh and Jack told me to remember to say: Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR!


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Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Wow! That ladder is tall. I think I'd pass out if I made it to the top as heights make me scared. eeek!

Love the tuxedo kitty. Our tuxedo kitty escaped from the house back in August and we think he became a coyote snack :(
I always have a soft spot for the black & white kitties, though.


Grey Horse Matters said...

Cute kitty. Very large ladder, hope he has lots of lives left, coming up and down that one.Glad to hear Freedom Lady is doing well.

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