
The other man in the DOR's life

So it turns out that I am not the only guy in the DOR's life. In fact I am shattered to have to share I am not the love of her life-the SCC is. Here is a photo that Mushboy took of him yesterday. The SCC is standing patiently outside of the paddock where the DOR is working with a rescue horse. He is there just in case...just in case she stumbles, just in case she needs help, just in case she needs supplies. I think he stands there and watches her just like she often stands and watches us.
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR!


Angie said...

WTG DOR he sure is dreamy handsome!

Mama H said...

He is so handsome! I love it when my man just stands by and watches, you know, is just there, while I work horses too. Awww, the love!

Florida Beach Basics said...

An DOR, don't forget to hug your SCC.

Mushboy is taking some good photos!


Unknown said...

Jack, you're lucky DOR pays any attention to you at all with that guy around.


Laughing Orca Ranch said...

He's winking at us!

The SCC sure is a handsome dude!



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