
Blogging For Peace....and Treats

Sir Darby is featured on our Peace Globe this year.  He is worried that there is not enough people concerned about living peacefully.  Now I find that funny considering he won't share his pasture with another horse...but then again he never learned to do that.  He is a model of peace and understanding everywhere else though.
Please take a moment and see how you can help make the world a more peaceful place...and send treats, lots and lots of treats.
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR!


Mimi Lenox said...

Hello! I am so THRILLED to find this peace globe. Finally (my fault...) Somehow it slipped between the cracks and I found it this evening in the message list on the BlogBlast For Peace fan page on Facebook. YES. It is beautiful.

I will get it up on the website asap. Thank you so much for blogging for peace and creating such a lovely globe. My apologies once again!

Peace to you and yours,


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