
The Mad Hatter

This is the DOR`s Helhat.  She made it herself and was pretty pleased with it.

This is our
 first ride together with her wearing it.  The wind caught it that day and blew the brim off.  The parts were gathered and she remade it.
She wore it a few more times and nothing happened to it.  I thought it was supposed to get remade every time she wore it...so the last time I remade it for her.  It involved some snorting, bucking, almost rolling down the side of a hill, but I got the job done.

This the result of all my hard work. The DOR came up over the hillside, where I had deposited her, and gave me an ugly donkey face. She gathered my reins and mounted from the ground-FROM THE GOUND! Needless to say she was one Mad Hatter. I am being extra nice these days. Enjoy your day and don`t forget to hug your DOR!


Laurens99 said...

Ikut Menyimak artikel anda min, klo sempet berkunjung balik ya min, Kilk artikel aku

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Laurens99 said...


Laurens99 said...



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