The DOR returned to her home pasture for a gathering of her original herd. It is something that humans do on special occasions.
This photo is the DOR's dad, he is the herd leader. He is a bit like Freedom, he doesn't say much but everyone listens when he speaks. The DOR likes to tell stories about the adventures that they have had together. He is the reason she is so horse crazy, he might be the reason she is just a bit crazy period.

Here is a picture of the herd that was able to get to the home pasture. The DOR is the oldest foal of the herd, I guess she isn't a foal anymore-she is too old to be a foal. There were three siblings, several grandchildren, and three great-grand children who could not make it.
I am glad she went home. She loves seeing her family and especially treasures the time she gets to spend with her dad.
The DOR is going to spend today playing with me and Darby, oh and mucking paddocks....I think I can come up with enough presents to keep her busy mucking for a long time.
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR!
What a fine herd! Couldn't tell if there were any spotted ones...
I agree! What a beautiful herd! Where are the carrots?
You human herd looks as big as mine if we could ever gather them all togeather. They are all beautiful.
~~Hugs and Smooches ~~
Nice that you were able to get the herd togther! Hope no one threw a shoe!!!
Dope on a Rope, how perfect! A wonderful clinician, Craig Cameron, once told a story about a guy who told him how stupid his horse was. Craig replied, "Tell me more about yourself." Great family photo.
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