The DOR has little crocus flowers just starting to appear in her yard. Spring is here and that is so nice. Longer days, green grass, birds singing, green grass, sun to soak up, and green grass. I love the spring flowers and did I mention grass. Freedom loves flowers so the spring is especially nice for him.
Freedom had eye surgery, read about it here, and had cancer removed. The surgery was successful and the prognosis was good. Last week the DOR noticed something odd about Freedom's eye, a tiny white spot by his tear duct. The spot has grown and it has become obvious that the cancer has returned. The vet will have to determine what can be done since his third eye lid was removed during the last surgery, it means this cancer is going to be more difficult to address. Good thing Freedom is good about wearing his shades 24/7.
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR!
wow I hope Freedoms eye is something that can be taken care of without anything major.
HUgs to you Syndi
So happy there is lots of green grass for you, Jack. Sounds like you really missed it ;). Good luck to Freedom, eye problems in horses can be really scary.
Glad the old guy's okay.
That little flower brings hope and the promise of spring.
I hope Freedom's eye problems are curable.
Prayers for Freedom
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