This is Sir Darby modeling one of the fly masks we are all wearing. The reason it isn't a picture of me is I keep taking mine of and hiding it in the pasture. The gnats are wicked lately and the DOR keeps thinking that we need our ears protected. What I need is to look spectacular and so far none of the masks she has put on me cut the mustard, so I just keep taking them off and stashing them. I even tried to cleverly disguise one with a pile of poop, but she found it....
If anyone has any suggestions as to a mask that will meet my coolness factor please let me know.
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR!
Hi Jack,
I just got the most terrific looking mask. It has a goldish shimmer to it and it's accented with cheetah fur. It's just perfect for me because I'm a palomino but they make other really cool designs too. You'd look even more handsome than you are in the Silver/Lynx style. Then you wouldn't have to hide it under the poo! Now if I could only remember the company...think it was Supermask II. Check it out.
I wear this cool Crusader mask with ears and a long nose - it makes me look like I'm a warhorse (which I am!) ready to go into battle. It's light-colored so it keeps me cool even on the hottest days. Dawn
I'm thinkin' one of the "Men-In-Black" ones, with the super cool sunglasses?
I need to know the best fly mask for a mare that hates anything on her head. I never can keep a halter on her for more than 1 day. When I saw her yesterday there were at least 50 flies on her face. I rubbed fly spray on her face and sprayed her all over but we all know that only lasts a few hours or so.
Star wears the full ears to nose Chasel mask, it keeps her nosey from getting sun burned :)
Jack, you are just too smart for your spot, my man. Sometimes you have to forego a little fashion for comfort I think.
Maybe you'd like one of those cool masks with the sunglasses painted on them? :)
Just wanted to clue you into the comment in Japenese or whatever it is. It is links to porn sites. I had to change my blog to comment moderation because of this idiot.
Trailboss, I delete those comments when I find them...pain in the rear.
I am putting warpaint on the horses, seems to help.
Thanks for the tip for WarPaint. I got some at the local feed store at lunch. Can't wait to try it on my Jones (that's my mare by the way!)
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