Good morning everyone. I hope you had a lovely weekend.
The farrier who does our feet made one of these hoofpicks and the DOR fell in love with them. They are made from a special kind of horse shoe and fit really nicely in your hand.

What the pictures don't show is the variation of colors that is on each hoofpick, the coloring is similar to titanium that has been turned into jewlery. The DOR talked the farrier into making a batch of them for a fundraiser.

The proceeds from the fundraiser will go to help support a horse that has been rescued and is in rehabilitation at Sunny Acres Ranch. The price of the hoofpicks are $9.00. That price covers the cost of the hoofpick from the farrier, shipping and the the remainder goes to support horses in rehabilitation. Contact me in the comment section if you would like to order one.
The DOR is looking forward to a more peaceful week this week. Graduation for her high school is over, which is a big relief to her. It is the last week of regular school and then she runs night school for three weeks. After that it is horsey time for the rest of the summer!
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR
I would like to order 2. How do I order them?
Cheryl Ann
I have 2 more weeks of school. Ugh! The last 2 weeks are the hardest, don't you think? Then, off to Yosemite and South Lake Tahoe and home via the BLM corrals at Ridgecrest....we'll be feeding the mustangs there LOTS of carrots! And, checking name tag numbers! (hehehehehehehe!)(wicked laugh)
They are so cool.They look like jewery. I Think I need two of them.My son in Texas has little horses I might send them to him or hang them on my wall with a picture of you Jack.
~~Hugs and Smooches~~
I'm interested -- can I order 2? I have paypal if that helps. Really lovely!
Thanks for supporting Sunny Acres Ranch. To place your order contact Shelly Richards at shellyr@clearwire.net
Thanks to Jack for doing this fundraiser for Sunny Acres Ranch. The hoof picks are great workmanship. The farrier for the ranch hand crafts these himself. Each hoof pick sold will donate $2.00 towards hoof care on a rehabilitating horse at the ranch - www.sunnyacresranch.com
Thanks so much!
how cool - I've just ordered mine. great idea for a fundraiser.
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