So where does the DOR hang out when she is not at work or spending time with me? I know, I know...she hangs out in her peaceful spot.

The house she lives in was built by her grandfather, father, and two uncles. It has been a special place to her since she was a little girl. She loves to sit on the front patio, surrounded by flowers, rocking in the swing, and read. The patio is partially shaded by the oak tree and when the wind blows the tree sounds a bit like the ocean. When the weather is not too hot during the summer months you can find her there or on the back deck reading nook...unless she is out at the ranch.
I have a peaceful spot too. It is hanging out under the trees with the rest of my pasture mates. I think it is important that every creature has a peaceful spot that they can go to and relax.
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR
Thank you for your interest in the hoofpick fundraiser. Here is how to order the hoofpicks featured in yesterday's post, go to Sunny Acres Ranch website and send an email to Shelly, then you can see the place you are helping-or email Shelly directly at shellyr@clearwire.net
Every one needs a quiet place to enjoy and read or just be. I am glad both you and your DOR have that special place.
~~Hugs and Smooches~~
When I am in the city it is hard to find a peaceful spot, but up at the cabin there are lots of them, especially during the week when most people are in town working. Looks like you have a peaceful spot 24/7. Good for you! - Margy
I have missed so many of your great psts, will take a few days to catch up!, but I will. Ya know life happens at light speed sometimes!
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