We boys all stick to our tubs and lick them clean. Shandi eats hers as fast as she can and then tries to beg off of Uncles and Gampers.
The little filly will come over and clean his face for him once he is done with his tub, go figure Shandi really loves her treats and Grampers.

Here is Shandi trying to steal a tub from me, I guess I should give it back it was her tub to start with, but hey she walked away from it to play kissy face with Freedom. The little twerp only left me some slobber in the bottom of the tub, is that any way to treat her favorite uncle?
Well at least the DOR shares her treats with me, as long as they are good for horses. My favorites are the granola bars she likes to eat.
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR
Edited to ad:
Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers. The Cow Wrangler had dye shot into his heart yesterday evening, there is no blockage. He has a nerve that is misfiring and causing this trouble. He will head to a specialist soon to have that fixed. The Cow Wrangler is not the DORs husband, that is the Support Crew Chief. The Cow Wrangler grew up at the ranch where we live and still lives there. His situation is serious, but treatable.
you are so beautiful, I saw your hind end better in these flicks.
so glad your friend will be OK .
that's good news! marge
Hmm. He may need a pacemaker. Hope he continues to do well in good hands.
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