Remember when the Freedom was teasing me about jumping off of a bridge if all of my friends did? My response was that wouldn't happen because Ginger would become a fancy show horse before I would set foot on a bridge. Well, I may have to eat my words.
The first picture is Ginger at the Spring Follies this year. Yep she is shaggy and looks a bit like the Snuffleuffagus from Sesame Street. Ginger has cushings and grows a winter coat that is 4 inches long, she is a yak. There is one person who has said that Ginger is the ugliest horse they have ever seen, well it is a good thing that Mushboy didn't hear that he thinks she is beautiful!
There has been some clipping on her belly and the topline, but she is shedding out nicely. She is usually never this shed out until August, just in time to start getting ready for growing her winter woolies.
Look at this really fancy hip, the hair is normal for the most part.
Well I am going to practice doing what the DOR does when she needs to relax, I am going to hum. Can a horse hum? I guess I will find out.
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR
That is quite a transformation Ginger looks great and does have a very pretty face. I have a feeling you won't have to jump off a bridge,maybe just walk across one.
I am sure you can hum if only in your head. I hum alot.
~~Hugs and Smooches~~
I'll bet you could collect enough hair to make a good-sized pillow when Ginger sheds! What a little beauty.
I've ordered my hoofpick.
what a beauty!
Thanks for ordering a hoofpick. There are some great horses in rehab at Sunny Acres and Shelly does a wonderful job with all of them.
Ginger looks amazing! What a difference!
Bridges over water aren't too scary. If my crazy Arab can do it, you can do it!
I think Ginger looks just fine whatever her coat feels like doing. I absolutely LOVE your site. You show some might fine horses!
Wow, Ginger looks great! Whatever you're giving her has made a dramatic difference.
Just recently came back across your blog; great stories and pictures. Ginger is looking like a different horse!
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