The DOR loves cookies, but then so do I!
I was wondering what kind of cookie is the DOR's favorite. I thought if I could figure that out I could get a bunch and use them to reward her for doing what I want her to do. I know that she loves Fig Newtons, her grandpa used to give them to her when she was little. He even gave them to her when she graduated high school. The DOR returned the favor and gave him a bunch of them when he was very ill and in the hospital...I am told it was an inside joke they shared.
I know that lemon cookies need to be on the list. Then I need to add sugar cookies, snicker doodles made with her grandma's recipe, ginger snaps, molasses cookies, Oreos smashed in vanilla ice cream, pumpkin cookies, cranberry cookies...the list goes on and on. The list really should be short because she is not supposed to have sugar, but she has discovered lots of sugar free cookies.
I was having a horrible time figuring it out. I asked all of the critters who have been here longer than me, they had no clue. I tried spying on her but the only cookies I ever see her with at the ranch are horse cookies. Maybe that is the kind of cookie she likes...probably not since I never see her eat any.
Then it came to me! Why didn't I figure it out earlier? I discovered the answer one afternoon as she and I were wandering the pasture together...she loves hoof cookies!
Yep she gets very excited every time she runs across one of these little cookies. She stops and looks at each one of them. She knows which horse they are from and is pretty good at knowing which hoof too. This picture is of my front right hoof. The DOR is delighted to see these cookies around the pasture, they mean our hooves are working the way they should be. Well there you go, the DOR's favorite cookie isn't even one that can be eaten. The good thing is that we can make a batch of these several times a day. The recipe is simple.
a little poop
a bit of mud
add a dash of hay/straw/dry grass
Mix all of the ingredients together by walking around the pasture. Pack into hoof tightly until the ingredients are the consistency of air dried clay. Gallop madly across the pasture to remove completed hoof cookie from the hoof. If desired cookie maybe removed by stomping, bucking, kicking, or bunny hopping. Cookies need to be stored in a dry area or they will dissolve.
Who knew it would be so simple? Now I just have to figure out how to get her to do tricks for these little beauties.
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR
Today I am off to my first public appearance since I joined the DOR. We have been playing at the ranch, but now I get a field trip. The DOR is taking me to a clinic in Ellensburg. I will get to meet some new horses and show them how cool I am. I am going to be the best I can be, hope that I don't blow marbles in public. Wish me luck...
Schmooa Kumpst
17 hours ago
Those are some beautiful well-baked cookies. Annie does not leave cookies but we are in a sandy area so that may be why. No glue to hold them together.
Have a terrific day - I'm sure you'll be brilliant - we'll all look forward to a report on the DOR's behavior :) marge
Oh, Jack! You are so funny! I leave hoof cookies ALL over, especially when I get out of my corral!
Love & kisses!
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