This is the Support Crew Chief's horse Coelho. Coelho is Portuguese for rabbit. If you look closely you can see a jumping white rabbit on his right side, the little ears point up to his back. This photo was taken while he was still sporting his winter woolies (photo courtesy of Sunny Acres Ranch). He is a nice horse, but he thinks he can be the boss of me. He kicked at me the last time I walked by him in the arena, just rude. He is lucky that I was watching out for the DOR or I would have gave him a big ol appy hoof right on his butt!
I worked with the DOR for 45 minutes last night. I wore my English saddle and did liberty work in the round pen. I was trying out my neoprene cinch and checking to make sure the saddle wasn't going to rub me at my shoulders. I wasn't bothered by the cinch, the DOR thought it might pull my hair. The cinch does sweat bad, so we will have to be careful that it doesn't gald me. The DOR is thinking she will put my regular cinch back on. She also noticed a heavier sweat spot at my shoulder where she thinks the saddle my be jamming me when I move. She is going to keep watch on it too. Seems like my muscular massiveness is really making it difficult to get a saddle to fit the way it should.
We are planning on going on a trail ride on Saturday. We are going to return to the site of the tornado twister...I am going to show the DOR how far she has come!
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR
Skywatch Friday - 9 January 2025 Edition
7 hours ago
he looks so tame and kindly! and I see the rabbit,
I can see the rabbit too. He looks like he could be up to stuff. I've got a dog just like 'em.
Hey Jack, When did the Crew Chief get that guy. Better make it clear who is the top horse in your pasture. Make that paint pony move over every chance you get. Use your spotted massiveness to push him away from the water trough. Just until he gets the idea that he'd best lift no hoof in your direction. Then maybe you guys can be friends and play bitey face.
Love that pretty Paint!
Can't wait to hear about your trail ride, show your DOR that the twister is no big deal!
Coelho will not be sharing our pasture, he has to have a restricted diet and limited grass so he has his own small pasture next to Ginger.
Coelho has been at the ranch for years. The Support Crew Chief has always liked him and talked to his owner about leasing him. They kindly agreed and now he two of them are learning about each other.
Tara and mommanator,
You are both right! While Coelho is very trained, tame and kindly he can get very mischievous. He likes to test people, especially someone new to him, so you have to pay attention to him. He is a great guy though, could have picked a better re-rider horse.
Yup...that thar is a wabbit!!!
The Journeys Of Cactus Jack Splash has been included in this weeks Sites To See. I hope you like the image I featured, and I hope this helps to attract many new visitors here.
Spotted the jumping rabbit on Coelho. He looks strong and yet gentle.
What a beautiful horse. I stopped using my neoprene girth and use a fleece lined one. You can also buy a slip on fleece for your English girth if you think it's rubbing.
Just curious, why do you want to change from Western to English?
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