I love apricots, all the horses do...well Salty and Freedom don't, but that means all the more for the rest of us who can have sugars.
Each evening the DOR and Mushboy gather up the ones that have fallen on the ground and distribute them to all the horses. They are fun to eat, we drip juice everywhere and then spit out the seeds. They have been a great treat on these days that have been a bit over 100 degrees. Shandi, my niece, tries to share my apricots with me but I am having none of it. In fact when she tries to sneak mine I chase her off and eat her's too, that is what she gets for having bad manners. Last night I tried to follow the DOR out of the pasture, I figured I could head to the apricot tree and eat all that I wanted. She wouldn't let me out and told me that it would be bad for me to eat too musch sugars...that is what she thinks, sugars make me happy, how could it be bad to be happy. She muttered something about causing laminitis, making me rammy. I didn't hear most of it because I quit listening as soon as she said I could only have so much sugar I decided to put on a pout. All my pout got me was some scritches, a hug, and an extra kiss on my nose...I guess it was better than nothing.
Freedom gets squished up apples and Salty gets Berry Good treats instead of apricots.
The DOR is taking a dressage lesson, her first one, with an instructor in Ellensburg. I wish I was going to watch, it should be pretty amusing to watch.
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR
Oooh! What instructor? Barb? Mary? You sure seem to spend a lot of time up this way!
The DOR spends time in Eburg because her blind horse Scooby is retired there. She loves visiting him and her old horse Hank- Scooby's seeing eye butt- who now belongs to the coach of the CWU equestrian team. The DOR sent Hank up because he and Scooby need each other, the coach fell in love with him so she now is his owner.
The instructor that the DOR is working with today is Sudi. She has an amazing past and a heck of a show/training record.
It's nice that your DOR is trying out something different - maybe she'll learn some new things!
I remember when I lived in Colorado, my new hubby would bring me apricots, just off the trees, I had never tasted before-YUMMY!, but then I like apricots any ole way!
I never thought about feeding apricots to the horses, since you say they are so yummy, I will have to go get some for my girls!
Good luck with the dressage lesson, DOR! That would be fun.
Jack--Could you please, in between yummies, tell the DOR that I left her a response to her comment on my blog? Thanks!
hay jack...just remember to spit out the seeds!!!LOL I tried dressage for awhile...but my brain could not quite understand...put your right hand here and your left leg there and your butt rigth here and you shake it all all about!!! had to stop, can't multi task very well!
When I had my first horse Misty she lived at my grandparents place in Modesto, CA. There were lots of peach orchards all around us. Misty loved to eat peaches (apricots on steroids). She did the same thing. She would put the whole peach in her mouth and roll it around lots of times. Then she would bite into it and have juice running all over her muzzle. Then finally, the pit would come spitting out. She sure loved those sweet cling peaches. Thanks for bringing back that fond memory! - Margy
Lucky you to have fresh apricots. Yum! I didn't know horses liked them but now I do.
loooool .. poor horsy if I was there I would give so much sugar so you'll be happy all the time but not so much so you not get glut ..
What a picture, Jack- you spitting out an apricot pit. Save a few for ammunition against those nasty bags.
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