A friend of mine Red at Baba Yaga's Mirror got stung on his face and his eye sweld shut. I got a sting on my rear last year and it made a big old knot that took a few days to go away. Salty seems not to have any problem with bees. Bees will land on Ginger and ride around for a bit, but she has not been bitten yet. The DOR says it is our smell that can attract bees...who knows.
Just like people, horses can be allergic to bees. Encyclopedia Equestria has an interesting post on bees. It talks about preventive measures, treatment options, and is a nice read.
Be careful out there on the trails, dress lightly and avoid wearing that stuff that smells sweet. Even the best horse will get upset by a bee sting, there is no way to desensitize us to that!
Life is so good! Oh and Jack told me to remember to say: Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR
I wish people in general would wear less fruity, flowery stuff. There are a lot of people where I work, and it's nasal cacophony.
I couldn't agree with you more Leah. I used to work in insurance and some people would walk in the office and their cologne/perfume would literally take my breath away, and not in a good way. Another thing is people that smoke just before entering a small office. Even though at the time I still smoked it smelled so awful.
Freedom, Thanks for digging up such great stuff about those vicious little flying poison factories, bees. Bleeech. Don't even care that they help with growing things. What did I ever do to them? Not one thing. And I sure wasn't wearing any fruity smelling goop. My mom is working on putting together some good stuff so if I get attacked again, I won't have to go through such a nasty reaction. Tell Jack we miss him, gotta say though, we really like what you have to say Freedom. Make that DOR make you your own blog.
that is a great pic of a mean little critter, but I have aLways been told if ya leave them alone they will leave ya alone
Good advice , Freedom I am enjoying your guest bloggiin ,lots of good insights
Love the photo. Thanks for the info and the link. Will watch what I plant in the flower garden near the barn. Certainly don't want to create my own problems.
Love that photo! It's beautiful.
Love that photo! It's beautiful.
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