This is a picture of my feet from last summer. I actually have nicer feet now and I plan on showing them off to the farrier.
The farrier and equine therapist are coming down today. I am going to dazzle the farrier with my rock crushing, trail riding, hard as nails appy feet. I should have had my feet done a couple of weeks ago, but I was gone and I have done my imitation of a wild mustang and did my own feet going down the trail. I do have a bit of a flair on my left hind but other than that I am looking pretty darn good.
The therapist is going to check my flexibility to see if my massive muscles are more supple. The DOR is also taking a riding lesson, that means I am taking errr giving a riding lesson. She says we will be working on the bio mechanics of riding. I think that means I trot and she works on sitting in the right position...alrighty then, just wait until she sees the trot I have planned for her! I am going to be nice, the DOR says I have to behave or she will take the new saddle off and put on the pinchy one. I know she really wouldn't do that, but the thought of wearing the pinchy saddle is good motivation to be on my best behavior. The DOR told the clinician last weekend that I am always on my best behavior, it is just that some days my best is better than other days, but she always gets my best for that day. I am so glad she understands that no matter what I am doing the best I can.
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR
I hope every one has a safe Memorial Day weekend!
I sure will be glad when Poncho gets his done next week. I wish that all horses who have healthy enough feet could go barefoot.
My barefoot boys need a trim also. I'm looking forward to some play time in the arena this weekend with barrels and ground poles. I'm sure the horses won't be thrilled.
Hi Jack I missed reading your blog. I am trying to catch up. I too try to do my best,but like you some days my best is better then others.
Hugs and Smooches
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