I have given up...who am I fooling? I don't do wordless Wednesdays, I just do less word Wednesdays. So I am just calling it what it is.

Got spots? The DOR missed my spotted rear while I was gone.

Shandi and Grampers enjoying a lazy afternoon.

Shandi is the only one that Grampers (Freedom) will let eat out of his bucket...what is up with that?

Here Shandi is trying to see if anything is left after Mushboy fed Freedom. Notice that Shandi's two doting uncles are still leaving Freedom's bucket alone. He is a tough old guy and we know better than to mess with him or "his Shandi".

Ginger started shedding early this year, well early for her. The DOR spent a bunch of time on Saturday trimming her 4 inch long winter woollies down with scissors, but there is only so close you can safely get with those. The Ranch Manager surprised the DOR and has spent time clipping Ginger with battery operated clippers. Ginger really appreciated it. Her supplements are working well because under her winter woollies is a beautiful normal coat! Ginger is enjoying the "air conditioning" and the geldings are all checking her out. Way to go Ranch Manager!
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR
Wonderful shots for wordless WED
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