It is me, Freedom. I am thinking about taking over Jack's blog once a week to give some advice. Shandi thought it should be called "Grampers gumming", I think that is undignified..I am going to call it Freedom Speaks Saturday.
The DOR says there are a lot of blogs talking about snakes being out. Yep, they are out and they are sneaky little critters. There are snakes at the ranch, what would one expect? Lots of wide open fields, rodents running in the orchards, and plenty of places to hide. The ranch dogs do keep them at a minimum, but they are there just the same.
The DOR isn't fond of finding snakes out on a trail, but that happens too. She had one horse that would stomp a snake, even when she was trying to get the horse to keep moving-that horse really disliked snakes. She has one horse now, Jack, who gets all bug eyed and snorty when the wind rustles dry grass making is sound a bit like a snake. He definitely won't be doing any snake stomping, more like the snake skedaddle.
I have made it this far without snake issues. I have learned if you leave the alone they won't bother you, stay on the trail, make a bit of noise so they know you are coming, and doing the snake repellent dance/shuffle before heading out helps too.
There are some precautions that DORs can take to help protect their horses legs from a snake bite.

So take safety precautions and have a great ride. In case the unthinkable happens and your horse does happen to get bit these sites has some good first aid advice Horses and Horse Information and Practical Horsekeeping
Life is so good! Oh and Jack told me to remember to say: Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR
Hello Freedom, I like Freedom Speaks Saturday better then Grampers gumming It is nice to here from you.I only like snake that don't bite. I reallly like your lovely fashions I didn't know they had such nice things for horses I am glad they do because you all deserve them. I guess Jack won't be upset if I send you ~~Hugs and Smooches~~
Nice to meet you Freedom, interesting post. Stay safe, you and Jack and everyone :)
Those boots look very stylish!
socks and boots look practical AND stylish - very cool! marge
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