Bill Basham will be teaching a Horsemanship and Biomechanics of Riding Clinic. Bill is well known in the Northwest for his practical natural horsemanship methods. His training center is in Potlatch, ID at Full Circle Ranch. He has specialized in endurance riding and training endurance riders, working cow clinics, training hundreds of horses under saddle, and teaching numerous people how to have a better relationship with their horses. Bill's mentors include Tom Dorrance, Ray Hunt, and Buck Brannaman. He has also been studying with Wendy Murdoch to learn how to help his students advance their skills in the saddle.
I will give a report on Monday.
Have a great weekend!
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR
I am thrilled you got your boy back. You and Shelly need to come over and we can ride the John Wayne trail for a bit before it gets too hot.
ad you are back , have a good weekend at the clinic!
Oh wow, sounds great, Jack! I can't wait to hear more about it. I have never heard of Bill Basham, but I will check him out. I hope you were a good boy!
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