First she cut her visit short on Tuesday night, yes she gave me a bunch of peppermints, but I was still shorted my "herd time". The reason is that she had to get dressed up to go to a community dinner that her school decorated a table for. Here is a picture of the table that she and her secretary did. I think it looks pretty good, they made the center pieces and other little decorations. I guess I can forgive this bit of "D" behavior, but the next few things are a bit much in my opinion.
Here I am checking to see if she has a peppermint in her hand, she could at least try sucking up a bit. There was no peppermint, just a flashlight. Then to top things off we didn't get the good hay...we got plain old bluegrass. That is not okay, the DOR should go sit in the naughty chair. She is late, no treats, flashlight in my face, and then expects me to eat plain old grass. Again an emphasis on the "D".
I was also informed that in her attempt to protect the good hay she "cooked" some of it. The DOR carefully tarped the hay when it arrived. She forgot to leave breathing room, so some of the hay got cooked in the heat. Bad DOR, she cooked about 1 to 1 1/2 tons of my good hay. She said it is not that bad, by the time she runs out the weather will be warmer and she will just feed us...yep you guessed it GRASS HAY- again put an emphasis on the "D". The DOR has made plans to store all my good hay without cooking it for next year, but for this year I must suffer because she forgot what her dad taught her about storing hay. I hope the DOR doesn't forget anymore of the lessons her dad taught her while she was growing up, it could lead to more emphasis on the "D" events.
The DOR promised me that we would get some herd time this weekend. She plans on getting in a ride Saturday, if the weather holds. If we don't get to ride I will get a day of spoiling-as it should be.
Have a great day and don't forget to hug your DOR
Aww Jack you talk tough but I see a very Kind eye in those photos ,I think you are bluffing about being grumpy. Too bad about the hay,though better that the DOR found it out and ealt with it, there are some places where it would have caused a lot of tummy aches(colic) as it would have been fed any how.
Oh my Jack I am so glad to finally know what DOR stands for. But, I am positive that she really did try hard.
We all make mistakes and I too see that you love her very much.
Oh my but that look out of the left eye does indicate that you were some what upset about your dinner.
But, you are such a gentleman and beautiful soul that I just know that you have already forgiven her and all is good today.
I hope the weather holds so that you two can share a ride together.
Oh yes Jack, lest I forget, thank you for all of your visits and all of your wonderful support.
Hugs to you and of course always to your DOR,
I think you are being a little hard on your DOR I know she loves you very much. Tell her I think her table scape is lovely and very feative.
Your DOR can lay out a lovely table. I'm sure she didn't mean to short-cahnge you, and will make it up to you in short order!
(That "cooked" hay doesn't sound too appetizing. Glad she didn't give you any!)
Ooooh, that issss an evil eye Jack. Don't be too hard on her though, I'm sure she needs to get out and kick up her heels once in awhile too.
I wanted to let you know that I read every post even if I don't alway comment. I look forward to seeing what Jack has been up to every day..--Michelle--
Jack, you are a lot more forgiving than my two. They've turned and given me the butt for much less.
Humans will be humans.
The table looks great. Your DOR is very talented at decorating. It looks so bright and cheery compaired to the other tables. I love it!!
And you are too sweet to forgive your DOR!
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