
No tell motel

The crew got the framing done and put the kick board up on the old guys shelter. The only problem with the shelter is that the opening faces my pasture. If the old guys check into their stall with the filly I will have to stand facing the dairy...like that is a great view. The metal for the shelter will arrive this week and then it will be completed.
The old men have been checking out their new digs. Freedom is trying to decide which side he wants, since he is the oldest he gets first dibs. I think he should take the stall on the right. It is higher and should get less ground moister than the left side. Since he will be in all night it would be nice to be higher and drier. Freedom gets a paddock attached to his side so he can wander in and out when he is tucked in to the night. During the day both sides will be left open so everyone can get in out of the weather if they choose to.
I found out that having a stall does not mean that you don't have to get tarped if it gets cold enough. No way I want to be in a stall and tarped!
Tomorrow I will post pictures of the boys' girlfriend.
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR!


mrscravitz said...

Jack you can ask your DOR to put down some pine shavings for some comfort. Sissy had her lean to for two years, and never went in it. She preferred Mother Nature...But this year, I put down a bale of straw, and NOW I can't keep her out of it! LOL Both her and Sadie love their Lean to and even NAP TOGETHER IN IT! I don't see how, but they do! LOL I try to catch them in it to figure out how they manage to both lay down in there, but I can't yet.

Betty said...

The shelter is looking good. I am sure the "Old Guys' will be discreet so you won't have to face the dairy
~~Hugs and Smooches~~

Paint Girl said...

The shelter is looking really good Jack! I bet you will really love it!


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