The DOR has a new toy, I am thinking it resembles a medieval torture device. The name of the thing is a hoof jack. I now that a car jack is to lift the car up to change a tire or work on it, but why would she need a hoof jack? I can pick up my own feet and she holds them while she cleans them...I am thinking she is getting lazy and doesn't want to hold my big ol' feet.
Her plan is to start rasping on our feet, under the guidance of the ubber farrier, in between farrier visits. This way our feet will stay in better shape. It will also be easier on Harley not to have his heels drop too much at one time and he will be able to get around well all of the time (at least that is the plan). The DOR hasn't done much farrier work, so she is learning something new.
I have an idea that I should teach her how to work on a difficulty horse, well at least once she has things figured out. I am really good for the farrier, but I can call up some mischief if necessary to help the DOR hone her skills. Next Sunday she will be working with the farrier, actually taking a lesson on how to do the rasping that we need done in between visits.
I am glad she is going to do this. It is important during my candidency for president that I am well coiffured at all times. A hoof crack could cost me the election and that would be bad.
I am thrilled the DOR is expanding her horsey horizons, but I am hoping that Salty or Freedom are her first practice horses.
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR
Schmooa Kumpst
17 hours ago
I think I could use that when I have to do my toenails..You do have to look good to run for President Jack...
Awesome! I own this product and I LOVE IT. You can't go wrong, it's the best out there. I'm so very glad to see you doing some farrier work. Wish everyone did. Your horses feet will look better too and your farrier will thank you!
Good for you Jack!! After they spent so much money on Palin for clothes you certainly don't want to fall behind.
I am pulling for you!!:-)))
Hey Cactus,
This is a cool thing - dang people with their opposable thumbs, they come up with the coolest gadgets. My mom has one, she is always pulling it out and making me stick a hoof on it. Can't complain. ANYTHING is better than having those awful iron thingies nailed onto my feet.
Got it right there, Cactus Jack...need to keep up with appearances, not to mention the need for a good foundation~we are pulling for you to win the White House!
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