Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR
The diary of a horse, a DOR, and their life together.
The DOR came home and mixed special treats up for Harley. Harley is a navicular horse that has been in rehab for the past year. He could hardly walk when he arrived, he is much better than he was but will never be completely well. The DOR is going to let him go soon, she says that some days he looks like he is walking on glass and it isn't right to make him hurt. We are all spoiling him rotten before he leaves. The DOR thinks Harley is the world's most beautiful pasture ornament. The cold weather is so hard on him...his feet hurt and he will hardly move. I know that this is a hard decision, but I am glad the DOR is doing the right thing.
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR
Freedom has been in the little pasture next to Salty and I. The DOR thinks that I need to hang out with Salty alone so that we get to know each other. When Freedom is around I only talk to him, that leaves Salty feeling left out. Freedom is enjoying his alone time. He is able to walk past three pastures that have horses in them. He loves doing patrol duty, he is the ranch 'watchhorse.'
Dakota gave Freedom his mush and then brought Salty and I our treat tubs. I looked in and there were apples!!!! Salty didn't want his apples, he walked away after knocking over his tub, so I got them all. I love apples, any kind of apple-even if they have worms.
Worms are kind of cute. Look at this little guy, isn't he cute? I hear they have protein too. I need protein to help maintain my massive muscles.
Tonight the DOR and I did some liberty work. We did circles, backed up, went sideways, and even worked on trotting...it went really well. The DOR had apple asses in her pocket which helped motivate her to perform well. She did a good job and I ate one of the apple asses, that made her pocket not so full and pushing on her leg. Eventually she did so well that I ate all of the apple asses and her pocket was empty. She was very proud of herself.
The DOR is going to E-burg to visit Scooby and watch Hank jump. Then she is going to come out to play.
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR
Somebody told the DOR about what I wrote on the blog the other day... You know the one where I was pouting about not getting any grain and said I would even eat grain out of the grocery bag. Okay we all know who really writes the blog, but the ideas come from me.
The DOR has a collection of tubs like the ones in the photo, she uses them to give us our treats in. I get really excited when I see one because there is always good stuff in it!
Tonight the DOR fed Freedom his mush and there was a little bit left in the bucket. She grabbed the bag and brought it and the bucket over to me so I could eat what was left. I managed to stick my nose in the bucket, missing the bag and get the goodies. The DOR patted me and told me I was doing a good job. If I wasn't so desperate for some grain I would have turned my butt and walked off, but I really needed a grain fix. I was doing well until I forgot about the bag and brushed it with my head...marbles up my nose. I settled down and finished cleaning up the bucket. I think Freedom's mush is even better than my plain grain. The DOR put the sack back on a panel where it has been hanging. It is constantly trying to menace me but I am a big tough horse-yep that is what I am. She took the bucket and went to the barn.
I am wondering around swatting flies and when I look up here comes the DOR with one of the treat tubs. I must have been extra special because she is heading to me, nope she stopped at the bag. I was getting worried that the bag was going to get the treats. All the bag has done is hang around and bother me. I deserve the treats! I have been hanging around bothering the old guys, munching grass, swatting flies, and looking good while doing it-that is more than the bag has done. The DOR puts the bag in her pocket and heads towards me with the treat tub. She stops and waits for me to come over, she didn't have to wait long. I look in the tub and there is a bunch of Apple Asses, yummy. I reach in and get a couple and eat them. While I am doing that she takes the bag out of her pocket and slips it over the outside of the tub-what the what? Now to get anymore treats I have to stick my head in the bag-NO FAIR! It takes everything I have, but I reach in and grab a treat and take a step back to eat it. I am a little confused, the outside looks like a bag but the inside looks like a treat tub. I think I can handle this and so I reach in for more treats. I hear a rattle, one like a bag makes, no worries I have treats. The DOR starts walking of with the bag/tub, I hurry after her because the treats aren't all gone. She stops and lets me have one, then walks off again. Before I know it I am chasing her and the bag/tub all over the place for a treat (I am almost ashamed of myself). I get several more treats and then the DOR takes the bag/tub back to the barn. It wasn't empty yet, I wasn't ready to be done. I tried to follow but she closed and latched the gate. I hope she brings it back tomorrow. I guess if a bag has a treat tub in it that is something I can deal with.
I am sure that the DOR knew how desperate I was for treats and used that against me. That is fine, she is happy I was good about the bag and I am happy that I got treats. She better remember that this works both ways. We'll see how things go when she is desperate for me not to plant my hip on her back when she is cleaning out my back feet LOL
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR
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