We gave him a poster many years ago that said:
Which way did they go?
How many of them were there?
I must find them, I am their leader.
My dad never lost one of his 10 kids, but we did keep him scrambling at times. My dad was a famous scientist, I say was because he is now retired, who was always so humble about himself. My dad fought to raise his children in a time when women usually got custody. A man who worked hard and then went on to work even harder in retirement as a sort of missionary visiting other countries. He is now showing us all how to give Parkinsons a run for its money.
I got to spend three days with my dad this week and had a wonderful time. He is really an amazing man. I have a few things that I really want him to know. I am using the blog because I get to weepy trying to tell him in person and I want people to know what a wonderful man he is.
Dear Dad,
I guess I have always considered myself daddy's little girl. Even at fifty years old I find that when I am around you I feel the same comfort, safety, and love that was there when I was little.
I used to think that you were hard on us when I was growing up. Imagine expecting your children to be responsible, give things our best try, to be honest, act with integrity, and to keep their word...yep you were one hard man. You tried to keep us from making mistakes that would cause us pain, but sometimes you stood back and let us learn the hard way. You were always there to help us regroup and start again. I remember you telling us, "You know what you should do, do it." Your way of allowing us to either do what was right and expected or choose to do our own thing and deal with the consequences.
How did you divide your time among all of us? I don't think any of us felt ignored while growing up, in fact some of us might of wished to be ignored a bit. You found time for sports, shoeing my nasty mare, hauling us to shows, 4-H, cub scouts, church, tons of sports, and every school activity there was...on top of a full time job. I get tired just thinking about it!
You are sentimental and have always looked for the best in each person you meet. You included us in your hobbies and when we weren't interested you would include yourself in ours, you worked hard to have a great relationship with each one of us.
Remember picking up the mule? Remember teaching Weird Harold how to lead? Remember not killing Nikki after she smashed you in the horse truck (thanks for that, she was a turd)? Pack trips with the 4-H groups, fishing, camping, and your hunting trips are all things I remember when I think of my youth. How about the man who never danced doing a waltz with his daughter at the Miss Washington Pageant? Chasing sunsets in Tuscon, pet snakes and tarantulas, 4 wheeling in a 42 Willies...how many kids get to do all of that? You taught us to value learning, be it in school or from life. You taught us to appreciate simple things, to have a good work ethic, and to keep balance in our lives. We learned that spagetti, pizza, and anything with garlic bread was the perfect foods. I grew up believing that you were some kind of super hero.
How many times have you given one of us "the look"? You know the one that caused fear in the hearts of strong men. I don't know where you learned that look, but I have done my best to imitate it and find it works well with my kids and students.
You are still the dad that I remember from my teens. Age has slowed us both down, but it has also allowed us to become closer. I wonder what you think when you look at me with my gray hair? Do you remember me as a teenager, a bit of a hard headed twerp with a smart mouth. Do you see Daddy's little girl who has grown up to have a wonderful life, the life that you showed her through your lessons.
You thanked me when I left to come home for coming up, said it meant a lot to you. Dad there is nothing I could do to repay you all you have done, the love so freely given, and the fact that no matter what we knew we could always come home. You are one special person and I think that we overlooked that too often growing up.
No matter how old I am, how independent, far away, or infamous I might become one thing will never change-I will always consider myself daddy's little girl.
I love you dad.
Jack thanks for letting me steal your blog...
Thanks to Jack's readers for letting me get a bit sentimental about my dad in public and putting up with my ramblings.
Have a great day and don't forget to hug your DOR and your kin
Hi Syndi - It's good to get to know you a little bit better through your letter to your dad. I was a daddy's girl, too. I see your love of horses goes way back. Mine did too, but it is harder to understand because I was raised a city girl. But my dad would take me to the stables on the riverbed (yes we had stables in big old Los Angeles) and I would ride for an hour. It was so wonderful. When I was in junior high school my parents let me get my own horse and my dad was the one that went with me to help out. Like your dad, he was a wonderful man. - Margy
oh my I had tears all the way through.
This is so wonderful. You have been and are very blessed.
I don't usually do this with awards. But, this time I was moved to pass it along.
I simply couldn't pass it along without including you and Jack.
Thanks for being the wonderful person you are. The world is a better place because you are here!
What a great post. Your dad is a very special guy.
I was a daddy's girl too. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post. (Cute pic too!)
I'm sure your Dad is equally proud of you. marge
You are so lucky to have a dad like that.
Well said, and you ARE lucky to have a dad like that.
My Dad got custody of his three kids also back in the day when that wasn't done...great post...
It's so important to be able to say these things. My dad died in December, although I feel I lost him a year ago as his dementia worsened. I was with him as he died and I am glad that I told him all the things that I should have told him while he lived.
What a lovely tribute to your DAD! It was amazing as we grow older and wiser how we realize that most of our values and eithics come from our parents who always wanted us to be the best we could be. Sounds like your DAD found a good mix of how to do that with 10 Kids!!!
Great tribute to your dad! He seems like a wonderful man, Arent ya glad you can blog!
This is beautiful DOR! And you know...maybe it's the lifestyle, the respect and dedication...but these words are so similar to words I hear our kids share with my Cowboy! They bring smiles, tears and memories!
Parkinson's is a tough disease to battle, yet I see Cowboy's Aunt's (4 of them!) putting up good fights too! I hope they ALL can win!!
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