We are all shedding. There are at least 20 piles of hair like the one in the photo after the DOR has groomed all of us. We are all getting brushed everyday, it is like getting a mini massage each day. She collects up most of it, I don't know why. I am wondering if there is a bald horse somewhere and she is donating our hair to make it a giant horsey wig. I know the support crew chief isn't using any of the hair, he is still sporting a hat. Harley says he thinks the DOR is using all of our hair to make a new horse, one that will be the best horse ever because it will be a bit like all of us. Geeze Harely, how dumb are you? I am the best horse ever, so if she is making a horse with all that hair the best it could be is second best-get it right will you Harley!
The farrier and equine therapist are visiting today, so we will all be busy. The DOR is also taking a riding lesson. I get to teach the DOR a few more skills!
The DOR is going to ride in a competitive trail ride at the end of April. She is taking Ginger, an experienced horse with a sleepy nature. I don't know why she is riding Ginger, they won't win, in fact the DOR will be lucky if she can keep Ginger awake through the entire ride. She says until I get over snorting, jumping up one foot and two feet over at silly things for no reason I only get to go on practice rides. Well alrighty then, less work for me and more work for the two old gals. Actually I am working very hard on my appy snorts, I don't like it when the DOR spends her play time with another horse. I am the only horse she needs to be riding, so now I need to really work on my courage. I heard the cowardly lion got courage from the Wizard of Oz, but that means flying using a giant grocery sack-not happening. I am going to work with the DOR on obstacles and scary things, together we will find my courage, after all we are a team.
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR
I saw you posted at 6am, you sure get up early!
Maybe she is making a new horsehair bed? Could that be?
I can relate to the piles of horse hair and to the scaredy cat maneuvers. Trying to work on that with Boo also. You would think he would trust me after this much time. Maybe it's a mutual thing? Maybe he doesn't trust me because I am always expecting the worst?
oh my please don't worry guys and girls I am losing my hair too..lol!!!
Oh Jack you mustn't be jealous now about Ginger.
When you get a little older and calmer I am sure you too will get to ride in this competition!:-)
Jack - We give all that horse hair to the birds to help them soften their nests. As for Ginger, you might ask her for a tip or two in the calming down department - I'm sure the DOR would prefer to be taking you on the ride since she didn't name her blog after Ginger, did she? Don't be a jealous boy. You're the King, or is it the President?
Jack, you always make me laugh, silly boy! ;) Can't wait to see what your spring coat looks like!
Jack, about that snort issue. Gotta tell your DOR it isn't a courage thing. Snorting and jumping is what manly, studly geldings like you and me do. We are into protecting the herd so we are hypervigilant all the time. Gotta catch those nasty predators and face-sucking bags before they can sneak up on the herd. My mom took me for a long walk the other day. Er, as in she walked with me, not riding on my back. She also make me do lots of disengaging my hind end at the places I just KNEW were predator lurking zones so I had so much to think about I almost forgot how giant cougars can hide behind tiny leaves. She sort of wants to do trail trials and wants to be able to safely ride me by myself on trails to practice. Don't worry Jack, you are the DOR's main man.
Don't you just hate this time of year, with all the shedding! I am pretty lucky, my copper pony doesn't shed alot. But I do keep him blanketed all winter. Sounds like a busy day! But we know, anything we do with you horses is always fun!!!
I bet your new spring coat will be amazing. My DOR (husband)sheds all year. Every once in a while I tell him it's time to shave the bathroom floor.
I'm still holding onto mine though every other horse seems to be shedding hair all over the place.
There is hair everywhere here too. I just bought a Furminator for the dogs and it says it can be used on horses as well so I'm going to try.
A competitive trail ride! That is my dream. Due to some circumstances in my life, I won't make it this April but I'm going to do it this summer. I'd love to ride with you and your DOR on one of those rides.
DOR: what happens after jack starts snorting??? I ask because...a snorting horse seems to scare most of us thinking that something worse will happen next. Sometimes it does...but most times not. Snorting is Jack's way of saying I don't like this but maybe that is all he needs to say and will do the obstacle anyway. I am bringing Little lady home to the PNW with me this summer and she is a snorter. 9 times out of 10 nothing elses happens besides the snorts but when I first started riding her it would make me nervous. Which made her more snorty. I tried an experiment where I just laughed at her and that made me feel better and she seemed to react off of that and stop snorting. She is a 5 year old Tennesee Walker that only had 3 months training but now has about 300 trail hours on her. I will be putting arena hours on her soon and am sure there will be sorts!
Desert Rose,
Thanks for asking. It isn't the snorting that bugs me, it is just appy snorts. What bugs me is when he decides to jump one foot up and two feet over. He doesn't do this everytime he snorts, just every once in a while. I think that he like to scare himself...something he learned to do when he was sitting around in a pasture for two years and was bored. I just doesn't want to have to work through it at my first trail riding competition. We are going on a practice ride next week, I am taking Jack on it to see how he does. He might still get to go on the competitive ride and I will just use it for a schooling opportunity if he seems up to it.
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