The vet was out last night to look at Freedom's right eye. Last week, seemingly almost over night, he had a bunch of tissue grow. The DOR was concerned at his age and with his moonblindness that it might be cancer. She was really worried about what this could mean for the old man. The vet said he has squamous cell carcinoma, something that will require minor surgery. So on Thursday Freedom will have the tissue removed and the surrounding tissue frozen to make sure that all the cancer was gotten. Freedom should recover just fine and not have anymore problems. On the off chance that the cancer starts to come back there is a topical treatment to treat the cancer with once it is frozen again. The DOR would rather that Freedom didn't have cancer, but she is happy that it is treatable and has a very good prognosis. Freedom says "Life is so good!" and he plans on enjoying every minute of it.
The DOR has kept a mask on Freedom 24/7, well he got some breaks, since she got him. This winter Freedom refused to keep his mask on, ripping them in the process of removing them. Rather that make him upset, the DOR let him have a break-now she is feeling bad about that. I know that Freedom won't be getting anymore breaks, unless he can sneak them in when the DOR isn't looking. We all think the old fart rocks, even though he thinks we are a bunch of punks. You keep on standing Freedom, you are the grand old man of the ranch.
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR
Keeping everybody healthy and happy there must be a big job! That's good news for Freedom, and a big relief for the DOR.
great news that its just a minor surgery. How does it get done? do they use anesthesia?
I'm sorry to hear that Freedom is well, but I'm glad it's a minor surgery! My herd and I are sending lots of love.
I am glad you got it seen to so quickly. freedom is just the cutest thing.
The vet will use anesthesia to put him out and lay him down. The proceedure will be done at the ranch, which will be less stressful than him having to go to a clinic. The cancer will be cut out and then the surrounding tissue frozen with liquid nitrogine. I will try to get pictures and make a post on Saturday about the entire process.
Thanks to all of you for your good thoughts. Freedom was a 1.5 on the Heneke scale when he arrived here, had only a few teeth, stacked muley feet with 0 shoes all the way around. He has made an amazing recovery and added so much to our lives. He is a cute fuzzy bear and one fine gentleman. We love him to bits.
Oh..poor Freedom. He is very lucky to have you to love and take care of him. I didn't know that horses could get that kind of skin cancer that my mother has had..
Jack- we sure will be keeping Freedom in our prayers here for an easy surgery, quick recovery, and NO returning cells!
Give him a nuzzle from this little corner of the world please, and let him know he has a whole lot of folks out here rooting for him!
(And you too, of course!)
I will be thinking good thoughts for Freedom and you too Cactus Jack.
Hugs and smooches
It is so good they have a procedure and that it is affordable. Many times the cost of treating a loved pet companion makes it difficult. I am so happy for Freedom and you. - Margy
What a scary thing for the DOR and the herd. A horse friend had the same thing on her tender lady parts. Years later she is doing fine. Jack, I know your DOR has the best vet, still, any serious need for the vet can be so frightening.
It's not nearly so upsetting when you know you have a good prognosis.
My best wishes to Freedom.
awwww. lets pray for speedy recovery for Freedom.
Lots of warm thoughts sent to Freedom...he sounds like such a great boy that has been through a lot, and he'll pull through this with flying colors! He's lucky he has such a great DOR!
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