While he was loosing his sight at the time he was still a wonderful riding horse and a good friend.
The DOR has him boarded at a retirement home that is set up to deal with Scooby's inability to see. She visits him at least once a month and they have a good time together.
I was thinking how lucky I am to look the way I do...there is no possible way she could ever think another horse looked like my twin.

After all where will she ever find such a beautiful butt with a bunch of hearts on it?
Have you ever run into a twin of your horse or someone you know?
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR
You do have a twin! Her name is Zanna the Wonder Pup.
Y'all have all the same spots.
We do have a little conflict on the tail, though. ;)
My Catana mare could certainly have made your DOR do a double take and Catch a Dream is prety close!
I too had an old one that went blind ,funny it seems like she was one of my best as well and even after she lost her sight she was a safe horse for me.
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