"First horses are like your first girlfriend. You never forget" -Richard Gere
This picture is of Mushboy and Salty the Wonder Horse. It is one of the DOR's favorite pictures of the two of them together. You can see the partnership that the two of them have. Salty is Mushboy's first horse and his very best friend.
The first horse that the DOR owned was a little bulldog Quarter Horse named Moonshine Nikki. She was a bay horse with a black mane and tail, a crescent moon in the middle of her forehead, and a Roman nose that Cesar would have loved. The DOR and her dad trained Nikki. Nikki had a lot of spunk and together with the DOR there was a little bit of mischief had by all. The DOR showed Nikki in 4-H and open horse shows. Nikki was the horse that the DOR rode in parades and did rodeo runs on the year she was Chelan County Fair royalty. Nikki loved to go on trail rides. She and the DOR often spent the entire weekend roaming the hills around Wenatchee. Nikki worked her heart out for the DOR, together they tried lots of things. Nikki even took English riding lessons with the DOR. The other snooty horses just about laughed them out of the ring, a little stocky QH thinking she could prance around with them. Prance she did, with her Roman nose held high and a swish of her tail. Nikki taught the DOR a lot about how to build a partnership with a horse. Nikki also saw the DOR through all the rocky patches that teenagers have. Nikki will always hold a very special place in the DOR's heart.
Tell us about your first horse or special animal friend.
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR
Oh this post made me think of my first horse. His registered name was Barhams Gray Ghost and I named him Spooky, which he was not. He was a grayed out gaited appaloosa and one of the best horses I ever owned. My mom payed 75.00 for him. I would love to have another just like him. He did whatever I asked no questions about it.
Major says: My DOR's first pony was called Nicki too.
That is such a nice photo.
I love that photo. Mushboy must have his hands full keeping Salty clean, but Salty is a beauty.
My first one (loaner for 60 days while the one I bought was being started) was Dolly. I was 13, worked and saved enough $$ to buy one, 1 yrs board and farrier work...$175+ for FroRaf (I renamed Saudi) Cried when Dolly had to go back, but she taught me soo much! So when my 'green broke' one came to me, I knew a lot more!
What a beautiful photograph and story Cactus Jack. The relationship between man and animal is always special to both and I hope you appreciate the DOR as she does you. :)
Such a great post, so enjoyable to read and the photo was great. Thank you!
It's so true, you never forget that one great horse you had. That first one, sigh...his name was Excess Baggage. I called him Pokey. Good times......
Great post. It so great that your DOR had such a wonderful first horse. And now she has a wonderful spotted horse!
Beautiful photo showing the love between the two of them.
I never had my own horse until now in my 50s. I did ride all the time when I was younger but it was at a stable and I never could have the same horse twice in a row. I'm blessed to have my babies now.
My first horse was a pony named Spooky. Like the Spooky above, he was not at all. He taught me how to ride and like your DOR's first, Nikki, he taught me how to have a relationship with a horse. He was the slowest horse on the ranch but I loved him very much and I appreciate all he taught me.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane, Jack.
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