To anybody who's still mad at their parents, or living a flustered existence in the concret jungle, or feels as though they've been handed a crappy hand in this life, I wish you could see what I see every morning.
There is something about beginning and ending your day in the company of horses that makes the rest of the day stay in balance.
A bad day hanging out with a horse is still better than a great day in the "real world".
Enjoy your day and don't forget to hug your DOR
No truer words have been spoken...
Totally agree
This is very true! My days are bearable because I spend the morning and the evening with them!
Well said. I've been just hanging out with my horse a lot lately as I've treated his sarcoid....it's been nice not to worry about getting him exercised, etc. It's a different kind of time together and I think we've both benefited from it!
Nothing better then spending time with my equine friend! My favorite times are just grooming and watching him graze!
I try very hard not to do"what if's". I don't have a wonderful horse like you,but I can have good "what if's" reading your blog.
Hugs and smooches
How true! I was just thinking this morning, "what do people do every morning who don't have horses and other animals to tend to?" I can't imagine. It's the best way to start a day!
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